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La Crosse Technology Clock Keeps Changing Time

There are a few reasons why your La Crosse Technology clock might be changing time. It could be because the battery is low, the clock is not set to the correct time zone, or there could be an issue with the power source. If you’ve checked the battery and power source and the clock is still changing time, you may need to reset it to the correct time zone.

If you have a La Crosse Technology clock, you may have noticed that the time changes on its own. This is because the clock is set to automatically update itself for daylight savings time. While this can be convenient, it can also be frustrating if you don’t want the time to change.

Fortunately, there is a way to disable the automatic daylight savings time feature. Here’s how:

1. Press and hold the “Mode” button until the display shows “DST Off.”

2. Press the “Set” button to confirm and exit. That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve disabled the automatic daylight savings time feature, your La Crosse Technology clock will stay on standard time all year round.

La Crosse Technology Clock Keeps Changing Time
La Crosse Technology Clock Keeps Changing Time

Why Does My Lacrosse Clock Keep Changing Time?

If your lacrosse clock is changing time on its own, there are a few possible explanations. First, it could be that the battery is dying and needs to be replaced. Alternatively, the clock may not be properly plugged into the wall outlet.

Finally, if the clock is new, it’s possible that it was incorrectly set at the factory and needs to be reset. If you’ve ruled out these possibilities and your lacrosse clock continues to change time, please contact customer service for further assistance.

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Why Does My Atomic Clock Keep Changing Time?

There are a few different reasons as to why your atomic clock may keep changing time. One reason is if the power goes out, even for a brief moment, the clock will reset itself and you’ll need to set the time again. Another reason is if you live in an area with a lot of electromagnetic interference, like near some train tracks or high-voltage power lines, that can also cause the clock to lose its signal and have to be reset.

Finally, if there’s something wrong with the internal circuitry of the clock itself, it could cause it to malfunction and have to be reset.

How Do I Fix My La Crosse Technology Clock?

If your La Crosse Technology clock is not working properly, there are a few things you can do to fix it. First, make sure the batteries are fresh and inserted correctly. If the batteries are low or inserted incorrectly, the clock may not work properly.

Second, check to see if the time zone setting on the clock is correct. If it is not set correctly, the clock may not display the correct time. Finally, if none of these solutions solve the problem, you may need to reset the clock by pressing and holding the “reset” button for three seconds.

Why Won’t My Atomic Clock Set Itself?

An atomic clock is the most accurate timekeeping device in the world, but it won’t work properly if it’s not set correctly. There are a few reasons why your atomic clock might not be setting itself:

1. The batteries might be dead. Check the batteries and replace them if necessary.

2. The radio signal that the clock uses to set itself may be weak or interrupted. Move the clock to a different location or try using a different radio station.

3. The internal components of the clock may have become damaged or loose over time. This is usually not something that can be fixed at home, so you’ll need to take the clock to a qualified repairperson.

La Crosse Technology Clock Troubleshooting

If you have a La Crosse Technology clock, and it’s not working properly, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, check the batteries. If they are low or need to be replaced, that may be the problem.

Second, check the power cord to make sure it is plugged in properly. Third, check the settings on the clock to make sure it is set for the correct time zone. Finally, if none of these things fix the problem, you may need to contact customer service for assistance.

La Crosse Technology Atomic Clock Not Syncing

If you’ve ever wondered why your La Crosse Technology Atomic Clock isn’t syncing, you’re not alone. Many people have this same issue and it can be frustrating! Here’s what you need to know about this common problem.

The first thing to understand is that there are two types of atomic clocks: radio-controlled and satellite-controlled. Radio-controlled atomic clocks receive their time signal from a transmitter, while satellite-controlled atomic clocks receive their time signal from a satellite. So, if your La Crosse Technology Atomic Clock is radio-controlled, it will sync with the transmitter; if it’s satellite-controlled, it will sync with the satellite.

There are a few reasons why your La Crosse Technology Atomic Clock might not be syncing. One possibility is that the batteries are low and need to be replaced. Another possibility is that the clock is not in the correct time zone.

To check if this is the case, simply look at the clock face; if the hands are pointing to the wrong hour, then your clock is likely in the wrong time zone. You can easily fix this by moving your hands to point to the correct hour for your time zone. Finally, another possibility is that there’s something interfering with the clock’s ability to receive its time signal (e.g., a large metal object).

If you suspect this might be an issue, try moving your clock to a different location and see if that solves the problem. If you’re still having trouble getting your La Crosse Technology Atomic Clock to sync properly, contact customer service for assistance.

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La Crosse Technology Clock How to Set Time W86111

If you have a La Crosse Technology clock, you may be wondering how to set the time. Here are step-by-step instructions:

1. Find the “Set” button on your clock. It is usually located on the back or bottom of the unit.

2. Press and hold the “Set” button until the display changes. You will see either 12:00 or 0:00 appear on the display, depending on your model of clock.

3. Use the “+” and “-” buttons to set the hour and minutes. Once you have finished setting the time, press the “Set” button again to confirm your changes and exit time-setting mode.


If you own a La Crosse Technology clock, you may have noticed that the time changes on its own. This is because the clock is set to automatically update itself for daylight saving time. While this can be convenient, it can also be frustrating if you don’t want the clock to change the time.

Fortunately, there is a way to disable this feature.

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